Night Life: Laughlyn - Viewing Profile

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Laughlyn's Profile User Rating: -----

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Active Posts:
2,193 (0.3 per day)
Most Active In:
The Lobby (General Chat) (1119 posts)
18-December 04
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User is offline Oct 12 2006 08:43 PM

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How did you find the site?:
I was drunk, some dude (It could have been a really ugly chick for all I know)at the union showed me some website, I forgot about it and woke up with it still in my bookmarks.

Funny how life works eh?
United Kingdom

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Topics I've Started

  1. Belated birthday wishes

    Posted 31 Dec 2005

    Okay, so the whole 'I'm not going to start the birthday thread' thing kicked in, so without further ado, and so I can go and drink myself to an early grave guilt free for the new year, I'd like to wish a couple of chefelfs long term fine folks a happy birthday;

    First up is Supes, who was yesterdayish (depending on timezone), we saw you back briefly, but happy 32nd birthday to our resident Aussie guy, star of Barend's LOTR and occasional crossdresser.

    (oh, and since I'm behind on the comic, here's an advance on your LGK appearance.)

    You're still minus the hair right?

    And second up is Laura, who I didn't think came by here anymore when I saw her birthday appear, but then she cropped up online a day later.

    Happy birthday to you too Lass.

    (No picture - don't hate me)
  2. Chefelfic font

    Posted 25 Dec 2005

    Just a quick question for you Nate; what font do you use for the logo?

    In the interests of artistic continuity. smile.gif
  3. Legend of the Green Knight

    Posted 10 Dec 2005

    I've been missing for a month, which has kind of thrown a spanner in the works. I can't find recent posts by any of the regulars, and I'm stuck on dial-up again.

    But I did promise some fine folk that I'd draw a comic for , so it's time get this mess crashing and burning in the right direction;

  4. Happ Birthday Chefelf

    Posted 2 Nov 2005

    Madam Corvax wanted to be the one to post this, but sadly she's AFK for a few days, so since it's technically his birthday on this side of the pond, we'll kick things off a little early.

    So without further stalling for page space, I ask you ladies and gents to raise your glasses (those of you without them can run to the kitchen\fridge\bar\ off-license), and toast the host.

    Happy birthday Nate, may next 28 years be even better than the past. smile.gif
  5. Happy Birthday Shawnathan!

    Posted 1 Sep 2005

    Happy birthday me heretic playing mate.

    Hopefully even though you've closed your forum you'll still hang out with the rest of us crazy people.

My Information

Member Title:
Token drunk
42 years old
February 6, 1982
Here, probably.
Who am I? I'm Laughlyn, resident Gentleman B*stard of the highest order of the british empire, A geek who's crawled out of the far side of the abyss to wreck havoc upon his breathren. A closet troll, purveyor of bartender brand advice (<br />Call me for realtionship advice\general abuse on +447949623581.... Just don't expect me to answer), thinks-he's-artsy person, and occasional Pirate.<br /><br />Interests? What the bloody hell is this? A census?

Contact Information

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