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06-July 07
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User is offline Dec 12 2008 05:15 AM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Yahtzee's Reviews

    Posted 9 Jan 2008

    Just finished reading though some of Yahtzee's reviews. No, not Zero Punctuation, the older ones. I have been laughing myself stupid the entire time. Imagine my delight when I found he shares my dislike of Anne Rice, the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen movie and Star Trek Nemesis; much less doing it in such a way that made several of my neighbours to inquire if I needed someone to call an ambulance. The one that really made me howl with mirth until my computer screen was splattered and my cat was fearfully hiding under the sofa however, was his review of the movie Stairs. I used to review stuff like that professionally myself (in hindsight, it was probably the coolest job anybody could hope for) and seeing Yahtzee take the piss out of it was a wholly life-changing experience; that being that after laughing for so long I'm now asthmatic. Yahtzee you are a comedic arsekicker and a god in your own right.

    And in case either Yahtzee himself or someone else who noticed the reference reads this: Runaway City was just plain frickin' WEIRD. At least Season of Sakura had a storyline that didn't adhere to the typical "generic hero with strange ability/psychological issue boning everything that moves" that is prevalent in so much anime and besides. Anybody who argues that's only in hentai, I call Love Hina, Elfen Lied and Tenchi Muyo to the stand.

    The final kudos on that review however, was the picture collection near the end; simply for the song lyrics Yahtzee posted above them. Being rather muscially-inclined myself meant that merely reading them was enough to make me put the song in question before scrolling down - suffice it to say I fell off my chair.

    So all in all; people, you must read this stuff. Read it and laugh, it is of the awesomeness.
  2. Asking Permission

    Posted 25 Nov 2007

    I was wondering, if I may Yahtzee? I'd like to ask if I could make a Chris and Trilby fan game - just something to laugh at and otherwise peg for the recycle bin when finished. Since they ARE your characters I'd rather know for sure that I can do this rather than make one, post the link and get booted for being a plagiarizing dickweed.

    Oh, and almost forgot. I don't know what your rules are preferences as far as fan stuff goes, but a couple of things I can promise: there will be no self-insertion (because I'd be Welder meat anyway) and DEFINITELY no erotica or romance because that would be fucking creepy.

    Anyhow, I don't have anything in particular in mind yet - said fan game will most likely be done using rm2k and will involve large amounts of pointless stuffing around. Like I said, I thought I'd try for the all-clear before starting on anything.

    Also I may make a Britney Spears sprite and have the Welder stab her repeatedly as an easter egg.

    ::Edit:: Dammit, I wrote this topic BEFORE noticing the Fangames thread. >.< my apologies.
  3. Slaughter The World

    Posted 15 Sep 2007

    Don't know how many people read Looking For Group; but I thought I'd post this so that anyone who likes random cartoony slaughter and/or wants to dig up Walt Disney and fire him into the sun can get their rocks off.

    http://www. youtube.c...h?v=fcbazH6aE2g

    This is exactly why the Jedi will never be real. If these sorts of powers existed, everyone would be using them to be assholes.

    Lucky bastards.
  4. I got bored...

    Posted 9 Jul 2007

    While enjoying yet another of my frequent insomnia bouts I sat down and played through 7DAS for about the umpteenth time. For some reason I had an interesting idea concerning everyone's favourite supernatural entity, Mr. John DeFoe - we all know what his adventure game sprite looks like, but what would he look like as a top-down RPG character?

    Like I said, I got bored. Please excuse the pixel blurring, PhotoBucket doesn't like bitmaps and converts them into jpegs.

    Drew the sprite from scratch, then cross-referenced it with the full-size sprite from 7DAS. I used this to correct the biggest problem; that being that I'd made the welding mask far too light and shaded it incorrectly. Aside from that (and the fact that from the front Mini Welder looks like a robot or alternately, Ned Kelly) I was happy with it.

    And then I got bored again.

    The table I took from a screen capture of 5DAS. I was going to draw some kind of background... "KillerCon '07" or something but didn't as I thought the stark white background suited it better; and I can't draw outside of pixels anyway. You will also note that my sense of humour utterly sucks; although I have to admit seeing a little kid running around dressed as the Welder would be rather awesome.

    I'm also working on making a RPG-style sprite of the Caretaker. Funny though, all of my attempts to replicate his torn robe makes him look like a woman in a sleeveless dress.

My Information

Member Title:
Mini Boss
36 years old
May 16, 1988
Horror stuff, spicy food, RPG and FPS video games, decent novels, stand-up comedy, watching idiots maim themselves doing stupid things, Asian or Italian food and web surfing.<br /><br />Yup, I'm a complete geek.

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