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Mirithorn's Profile User Rating: *****

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User is offline Feb 16 2009 05:13 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. The Wikipedia Game

    Posted 10 Dec 2007

    The goal of the game is this: Get from one wikipedia page to another with as few clicks as possible. No using categories, because they make it way too easy. The pages are specified by the poster above you, and if you like you can also re-attempt previous challenges if you think you can do better.

    I managed to get from Gabriel's Revolution to Gaius Baltar in eight clicks.

    First one:

    Pneumatocyst to hasenpfeffer.
  2. I can't see posts!

    Posted 9 Apr 2007

    Well, at least the title is short and to the point. Whenever I click on the title of a thread, I can see the first post and the number of pages, and a list of the posts thereafter, but I can't actually SEE the other posts. When I click on them in the list of posts, it just says the post can't be found and may have been deleted, but it strikes me as very odd for every post on the site to have been deleted, including the ones I just sent. Am I just doing something wrong? What's going on?
  3. Dry humor, or nonexistant humor?

    Posted 16 Feb 2006

    After my many Adventures I was quite content to spend the Rest of my Days in Peace, but Circumstances were such that I had scarcely begun to settle myself in my Home when I was uprooted from it once more. As I have related, I spent much of my Time in the Stable in which two noble Huoyhnmnms lived. An old Woman arrived at my House a week before the strange Events described herein, informing me that my Houyhnmnms had been eating her Flowers and she would be forced to take Action but I did not recognize her and therefore worried little. I had been discussing English Literature with them one Morning (though I had found that their Speech differed so greatly from that of the Huoyhnmnms I had once known so greatly that I could not understand it even with the greatest of Effort), and I fancied I felt the lapping of Waves pushing the Stable from one Side to another as if it were a Ship. However, I took this to be only another Trick or Prank or Deception of my Mind and did not pay it Care.
    I felt then a Gust of Wind through the Window at which the Huoyhnmnms fled the Shelter, although I had barely enough time to notice a black Funnel of foul Dust near to my Stable when I was lifted off of the Ground along with it by this Whirlwind. At first I feared for my Life, but soon found that I could stand with ease by the Window and observe all that passed, and there was much. My Huoyhnmnms ventured out of the Door, however, and I lost Sight of them. That peculiar Woman I have previously mentioned had been blown close to my Viewpoint mounted upon some peculiar Device made of metal. She seemingly by moving her Feet in a circular motion on Rods joined to the body of the Machine (Forgive me if I wrongly perceive the Details, such a state of Disturbance was I in) made the Wheels spin, which on Land must have afforded her much Speed.
    Unfortunately, the dust blew for a moment before the window and I was forced to retreat, and when could look again a cackling Witch with bright green Skin flew through the air in her Place.

    Yeah, I know. It's not actually funny. That's kind of its one critical flaw. Any suggestions on how to make it funnier would be much appreciated.
  4. A deep existential question

    Posted 31 Oct 2005

    Which do YOU think?

    Edit: Forgot to add other option. If you prefer other, you can just post it, I suppose. Sorry!
  5. Engrish

    Posted 16 Oct 2005

    So, yar. It's a game where one person translates a quote that should be fairly well known into Japanese and back using an online translator, and other people try to guess what the original quote was.

    Okay, to start-

    I a little am shortage and the stout of the brown pot, there is my
    mouth where is my handle here here. I everything sending the steam,
    when being able, inquire about that I shout. Reverse me, pour.

My Information

Member Title:
Expert Misologist
33 years old
April 8, 1991
Over There

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