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George Bush is a vampire He hates crosses....

#1 User is offline   Hannibal Icon

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Posted 10 January 2005 - 08:16 PM

Secret Service To Prohibit Cross Displays At Bush

Talon News | January 6, 2005
By Jimmy Moore

WASHINGTON -- Public display of crosses at President
George W. Bush's Inaugural Parade on January 20 will
be prohibited, according to a letter sent to the
National Park Service by the U.S. Secret Service last

On December 17, 2004, the Secret Service sent a letter
on U.S. Department of Homeland Security letterhead to
Terry Carlstrom, who serves as the regional director
of the National Park Service in the National Capitol

A list of banned items during the Inaugural Parade is
outlined in the letter, including firearms,
ammunition, explosives, weapons of any kind, aerosols,
sign supports, packages, coolers, thermal or glass
containers, backpacks, large bags, laser pointers,
animals, structures, and anything else determined to
be a safety hazard.

Specifics are mentioned in the letter about the size
and scope of any signs brought to the Inaugural
Parade, including being made with materials that do
not pose any danger to parade participants by means of
concealing a weapon.

Other prohibited items that the Secret Service deems
as threatening to parade participants are also listed
within the text of the letter, including props,
folding chairs, bicycles, puppets, paper mache,
coffins, crates, crosses, theaters, cages, and

Approved items at the parade according to the letter
include signs, portable bullhorns, cell phones, baby
carriages, baby strollers, wheelchairs, and other
devices used by handicapped persons as long as they
have a National Park Service permit.

The Christian Defense Coalition was granted one of
these permits on December 23, 2004 to hold a prayer
vigil and demonstration at the Inaugural Parade, but
its director was appalled that they would not be
allowed to display any crosses at this event.

"By prohibiting the public display of crosses at the
Inauguration Parade, the Secret Service has trampled
the First Amendment and crushed religious freedom in
the public square," remarked Rev. Patrick Mahoney,
Director of the Christian Defense Coalition. "Simply
put, it is religious bigotry and censorship."

Mahoney added that it appears that Christian symbols
are the only ones being forbidden, and he will risk
being apprehended by the Secret Service to declare his
right to free speech and freedom of religion.

"We want to make it clear that we will be on the
public sidewalks holding crosses at the Inauguration
Parade even if that means risking arrest and jail,"
Mahoney contended. "The First Amendment should be
celebrated at this Inauguration, not crushed."

A news conference has been scheduled for Thursday at
11:30 a.m. EST on the corner of 4th Street and
Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, the site of the
prayer vigil and demonstration to be held on January
20 during the Inauguration Parade, to discuss this
prohibition of public cross displays approved by the
Secret Service.
"Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities also has the power to make you commit atrocities."
~ Voltaire (1694-1778)

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Posted 11 January 2005 - 09:19 AM

Odd that it's discriminating against Bush's religion of choice. Nice picture, as always.
The Green Knight, SimeSublime the Puffinesque, liker of chips and hunter of gnomes.
JM's official press secretary, scientific advisor, diplomat and apparent antagonist?

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Posted 11 January 2005 - 10:41 AM

That's so funny considering Bush is meant to be a hardcore christian

On a side note, Hannibal the line if your sig, I thought it would funny if it when like this instead:

Psychiatrist: Do you know what day it is, or what year, who is the President of the United States?


Psychiatrist: You're obviously not THAT insane

This post has been edited by Dr Lecter: 11 January 2005 - 10:53 AM


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Posted 11 January 2005 - 06:21 PM

Tear Down the Cross
Why is President Bush supporting a group trying to convince African-American churches to literally throw their crosses in the trash?

by John Gorenfeld, Contributor

This wintry season, as the faithful continue to receive alarming reports from the news that Republicans are all that stand between them and the outlawing of Christmas itself by hordes of secular humanists, the two presidents Bush have endorsed a powerful conservative interest group specializing in removing the cross -- not from schools or courthouses, but from churches.

Rather than the traditional egg hunt, this group, calling itself the American Clergy Leadership Conference, sponsored a nationwide "Tear Down The Cross" day for Easter, 2003. Last week, leaders in this radical cause presided over a Washington prayer breakfast featuring messages of thanks from the presidents. Former Senator Bob Dole came in person.

Mostly African-American, pastors who joined in 2003's ACLC-sponsored "Tear Down The Cross" won gold watches from the wealthy group, which unabashedly claims in its publications to have stripped churches of over a hundred crosses over the Easter holiday alone. This, movement leaders said, cleared the way for a new age and second messiah.

Speaking of messiahs, make a quick stop at the web site of the ACLC, and it's clear there's more to it than the "rapidly growing movement of clergy committed to the endeavor of making this nation the best that it can be," as the ACLC described itself in a December 8 Washington Times op-ed. It's actually a vehicle for Sun Myung Moon, the billionaire conservative donor who calls himself the True Father.

On Wednesday, a video file containing the elder President Bush's message to the ACLC disappeared from the movement's web site, though both Bush endorsements were reported in the Washington Times. Neither the White House nor the ACLC returned requests for comment on the breakfast and President Bush's participation.

During the American Clergy Leadership Conference tour that the president hailed last week, pastor John Kingara of Massachussetts puts a cross out with the garbage, April 18, 2003 (Source: Moon's Web site
Taking out the trash

One series of photos found on Moon's web site, but purged after receiving unfavorable attention earlier this year from evangelicals, shows Massachusetts preacher John Kingara taking down the cross from his church, hauling it behind the old brick building and hoisting it into a dumpster. Another shows a ritual in Israel disposing of the cross in the earth.

Early Sunday morning, on May 18, 2003, the campaign finishes in Israel with a ritual burial of the cross in a shallow grave covered with the flag of Reverend Moon. Moon reportedly wanted to bury the symbol at Golgotha, but settled for a field a mile away. (Source:

Moon was no accidental VIP that night. Far from being on the fringes of Washington, he's the supermogul behind a political and media empire that includes the Washington Times and United Press International, as well as being a longtime friend of the Bush family.

Strangely enough, last week the hosts of the "surrender" ceremony weren't blasted but blessed by two presidents of the United States. The same faces were there: George Stallings, Jr., the flamboyant ex-archbishop who bellowed at the March dinner for America to open up its heart to Moon; Michael Jenkins and Chang Shik Yang, hosts of past "Tear Down The Cross" rituals; and former Democratic D.C. representative Walter Fauntroy, who shares the Moonies' opposition to gay civil unions (Moon calls gays "dung-eating dogs"; Fauntroy calls same-sex marriage "an abomination"). Congressman Davis did not attend.

Like the Senate party, this conference climaxed with a new Crown of Peace awarded to Moon by his own organization, though in this case they held off on the royal treatment until the following evening. The award was reported by UPI.

According to a report in the Washington Times as well as video found on the Moon-affiliated Web site, the elder Bush made a taped appearance before the ACLC's 3,000-strong crowd, which he thanked for their work. "I thought about parachuting into the building," he joked about wishing he could make it. And he paid lip service to Moon's unwieldy religious jargon, using phrases like "peace centered on God," a goal that he called "right on target."

His son, George W. Bush, wrote a warm letter of support presented at the event by a state senator, in which the president and his wife Laura sent his best wishes to the sponsors -- and thanked them for rallying his "armies of compassion." It is unclear what the ACLC has done for society's problems, though its Web site is selling a video called "Beyond The Cross," and an affiliated Moon front group, Free Teens USA, has received almost half a million dollars under Bush's Abstinence-Only program.

Last year, as word seeped out of a movement with billions in the bank, exchanging gifts and promises of financial security for the rejection of Protestant beliefs, more mainstream, born-again Christians, like radio host Vic Eliason, were horrified. He warned on his nationally-syndicated program CrossTalk that the ACLC was ushering a false teacher into the houses of belief. Others speculated Moon was the Antichrist. But how many listeners knew that the false teacher's phone number might as well be programmed into George H.W. Bush's mobile phone?

Wouldn't be prudent

The elder Bush once explained his cooperation with Moon's Unification Church to the Washington Post, through a spokesman, as follows: "this group is about strengthening the family and that's what President and Mrs. Bush are deeply focused on." Well, after a fashion. Moon preaches that Jesus failed to start a family, which is why God is "confined," as he said Tuesday -- grieved by his son's having blown it for mankind, with the Nazi Holocaust a punishment for the Jews' failure to unite behind the King of the Jews.

And so Moon says he's building a new kingdom centered on "absolute family-ism," referring to his True Family of sworn followers. In the past, his new sons and daughters have rejected their own families to join Moon, who handpicks mates for them to marry at his mass weddings. One ex-member is Cathryn Mazer, whose grieving family was filmed in 1993 by the "Today Show" as they tried without success to enter a Moon dormitory where Cathryn was staying. She says photos of Moon with Bush played a major role in the seminar that indoctrinated her into the cult -- used to sell potential converts on the legitimacy of Moon.

"If someone told you about it, it would seem too far fetched to be plausible," she says.

Yet the friendship is well-documented. Reuters reported in the mid-'90s that the elder Bush trekked to Argentina as a paid spokesman for Moon, whom he introduced as "the man with the vision." During the Clinton years, Bush also tagged along with Moon's speaking tour in Japan, where the former president had kind words for his strange bedfellow, an ex-convict. Bush is estimated to have received upwards of $1 million for these appearances. Moon also gave $1 million to Bush's presidential library. And when Bush was Vice President, it was a generous check from Moon that opened Oliver North's Contra Freedom Fund.

But Washington conservatives are most thankful to Moon for lavishing more than $2 billion on the money-losing Washington Times. The paper was an important building block in the construction of an alternative, Republican media machine as we know it today. But many conservatives were quietly uneasy -- fretting that a pact was being made with the devil. At a 1997 Washington Times anniversary dinner, the elder Bush made a video appearance similar to Monday's, crediting the paper with winning the Cold War, and similarly sharing a stage with Moon, who claimed then that he had founded the Times to save the world.

In Monday's video, Bush declared: "I want to salute a man I respect: Wes Pruden," referring to the Times editor, whose paper frequently publicizes Moon projects that most newspapers would ignore. On December 7 he ran a piece by ACLC Rev. Donnie McLeod, who has argued for the removal of the cross in sermons covered by Unification Church publications.

The cross-disposal theologian wrote: "as the president is now free from the election concerns and can never be reelected, he can now build a legacy for America and the world." ACLC leaders, he said, "are ready to see the president as I see him, a man to God who is truly ready to make the sacrifices and commitments to create a legacy of faith and family that will guide our nation for the next 200 years."

And meanwhile, at the other end of the invisible line between mainstream and eldrich, there is the ACLC and its persistence in seeing the Christian cross disposed of like nuclear waste. A month after Easter last year, the group flew holy men from all over the world to a graveside in Israel, where undertakers had draped a cross beneath the blue and yellow flag of Reverend Moon, and buried the cross forever -- another casualty at the hands of the armies of compassion.

Spurred on by the likes of Bill O'Reilly, conservatives are outraged at the war against Christianity supposedly declared in department stores' "Happy Holidays" signs. But secularism is one thing, and sacrilege is something else, especially coming from Sun Myung Moon's cult, which indulges dreams of becoming the state religion. The president has built his reputation on being a good Methodist, but he rarely attends church, come to think of it. And he has cozied up to a desecration spree that Tim LaHaye couldn't make up in his Left Behind books. Is he what he pretends to be?

"Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities also has the power to make you commit atrocities."
~ Voltaire (1694-1778)

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#5 User is offline   Hannibal Icon

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Posted 11 January 2005 - 06:38 PM

The Grand American Church of George Bush(The Born-Again Christian):

Under Nazism, the church became known as "the National
Reich Church" and issued the following articles and requirements:

1. The National Reich Church of Germany categorically claims the exclusive

right and the exclusive power to control all churches . . .

13. The National Church demands the immediate cessation of the publishing

and dissemination of the Bible

14. The National Church declares that to it, and therefore to the German nation, it has been decided that the Fuhrer's Mein Kampf is the greatest of all documents. It ... embodies the purest and truest ethics for the present and future life of our nation.

18. The National Church will clear away from its alters all crucifixes. Bibles, and pictures of saints.

19. On the alters there must be nothing but Mein Kampf and to the left of the alter, a sword

30. On the day of its foundation, the Christian Cross must be removed from all churches, cathedrals and chapels ... and it must be superseded by the only unconquerable symbol, the swastika.
"Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities also has the power to make you commit atrocities."
~ Voltaire (1694-1778)

Enjoy this Tribute to Nazism...(Mp3)

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Posted 11 January 2005 - 09:48 PM

Holy friggin' long posts. Tone it down, dude. Just send us the link to the text and post your response, or I'll be forced to poke you in the eye with my stick. I don't like the stick.

Meh. Theocracy's old news anyway. Bush's a crazy neo-con, blah de blah...
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Posted 12 January 2005 - 02:38 AM

With all the interesting things Bush does you have to make up insane theories about him plotting to arise the asian messiah and... do something with crosses... or something... Blargh.


I don't know about you but I have never advocated that homosexuals, for any reason, be cut out of their mother's womb and thrown into a bin.
- Deucaon toes a hard line on gay fetus rights.

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Posted 12 January 2005 - 06:47 AM

Don't you see people, he's just continuing to copy and paste regardless what we say. It's as if he just comes in here, pastes away, never reading a single post by another person.

Damn it Hannibal, listen to us, we don't read what you put. The first sentence into your posts is enough for us to figure out that you did not write one thing. Not to mention you've created more posts in your short time here than most people have in over a year.

STOP PASTING LONG BORING ARTICLES!!!!! argg ha ba la blahhhh

This post has been edited by Jordan: 12 January 2005 - 06:47 AM

Oh SMEG. What the smeggity smegs has smeggins done? He smeggin killed me. - Lister of Smeg, space bum

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Posted 12 January 2005 - 09:30 AM

C'mon, lets give him the benifit of the doubt and assume that Dubyah is a vampire. Does this make him any less likeable as a leader? Does it make him any more appealing to his fans? I would say that regardless of his status as one of the undead, he's still a jerk.
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Posted 12 January 2005 - 01:19 PM

Oh good. We needed another opportunity to continue the raging debate about whether Bush is a jerk or not. It's divided this forum ever so much and I'm sure this article will contribute something to that debate.


I don't know about you but I have never advocated that homosexuals, for any reason, be cut out of their mother's womb and thrown into a bin.
- Deucaon toes a hard line on gay fetus rights.

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Posted 12 January 2005 - 01:55 PM

Nice job Hannibal, you're mass posting covered up my attempt to be witty blink.gif

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Posted 12 January 2005 - 02:32 PM

It's ok, I chuckled, good Dr...
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Posted 16 January 2005 - 08:04 AM

It didn't get noticed, because you didn't cut and paste an entire article from... somewhere, with the first picture found with an image search on Google slapped in for good measure. HOP TO IT, BOYO! biggrin.gif
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Posted 25 January 2005 - 05:16 PM

Oh my, I think thats one of the longest posts ive seen on here yet....I don't think Bush is a vampire, I just think he's a bit confused on the way a President should run a country.

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Posted 25 January 2005 - 10:27 PM

Fear not S20 that's just Hannibal's way. He'll tire of it eventually, or start taking his medication. Either way, really.


I don't know about you but I have never advocated that homosexuals, for any reason, be cut out of their mother's womb and thrown into a bin.
- Deucaon toes a hard line on gay fetus rights.

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