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My New Xbox

Can there be anything better than getting a new video game system? If you are my girlfriend you will undoubtedly answer: "Hell yes!" However, if you are a pale skinned, people-hater like myself then you will surely agree that it's a great feeling to get a new system.

I got an Xbox a few months back with the sole purpose of cracking it open, instantly voiding the warranty so I could solder a bunch of wires. Why? Because by installing a modchip I am able to manipulate my Xbox. I am able to use it as I would use a PC. I can run programs from it, play DVDs, even run Linux for some stupid reason.

Even with all of these wonderful new features I felt like there was something missing. Somehow my new Xbox was not quite personalized enough. Maybe that's because my new operating system, Evolution X, seemed to lack the personalized tough I was hoping for.

I found out rather quickly that you could download new skins to give your Xbox a personalized touch (just like Windows Wallpaper). With a mere 5,000 or more skins to choose from I felt that I didn't really have the option to be myself. That's when I decided that I would make some custom skins for the new program that would reflect my personality. I have compiled a list of some of my favorite skins. All are available for donwload should you wish to install them on your Xbox.

Lance & Eskimo (featuring Bruce Campbell)

This was my first skin design. With it I can be reminded of all of my wonderful friends at Lance & Eskimo, the hilarity that has taken place and the time we all met Bruce Campbell (except for Yahtzee). This simple reminder of friendship always warms my heart right before I start playing a game that allows me to simulate killing my friends.

Lance & Eskimo
Main Screen
(Click to Enlarge)
Lance & Eskimo
Launch Screen
(Click to Enlarge)
Download Lance & Eskimo Skin for Evolution X
ZIP format, 98.4k

Two Skulls That Talk

Lefty's masterpiece is forever immortalized with this wonderful skin. Now I can be reminded of all the wonderful characters that I have grown to love over the years (if it has indeed been years). Lefty gave me permission to make this skin even though the Xbox was released after 1986. Thanks, Lefty!

Two Skulls That Talk
Main Screen
(Click to Enlarge)
Two Skulls That Talk
Launch Screen
(Click to Enlarge)
Download Two Skulls Skin for Evolution X
ZIP format, 48.4k

"Fragging is Painless."

C'mon! It's M*A*S*H! Mothergrabbing M*A*S*H! No one in the Xbox modding scene gives any props to M*A*S*H! Hawkeye! Klinger! Hot Lips Hoolihan!

Everyone's busy making skins of things like Spawn and The Matrix. To hell with all that. Can you believe that in the 5,000 skins I've seen there's been about 600 Carmen Electra skins, 500 Britney Spears Skins, 400 J. Lo skins but not one stinking Alan Alda Skin? I can't either!

I now offer the world's premier Alan Alda skin for Evolution X. I just hope to God that it's not too late.

Main Screen
(Click to Enlarge)
Launch Screen
(Click to Enlarge)
Download M*A*S*H Skin for Evolution X
ZIP format, 108k

Sandra Bullock & Matthew McConaughey
"What Could Have Been ..."

I've seen a lot of Evolution X skins in my day but none of them seemed to capture what I was looking for. What was I looking for? Something that would both warm my heart and touch my soul every time I booted up my Xbox. So I set out to create a skin that commemorates the beautiful relationship between Sandra Bullock and Matthew McConaughey.

Their short-lived relationship is just not mentioned enough. It relived the golden age of Hollywood romance when stars were starts. George Burns and Gracie Allen, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, Jimmy Stewart and Ann Margaret, Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire. These were the relationships that touched us all in some way, whether we realize it or are just to damn afraid to admit it. We lived vicariously through their on-screen and off-screen love affairs. Somehow it made us feel better about ourselves to just catch a glimpse of them in action. So I bring you this skin that will tickle the romantic sleeping inside you and dare you to imagine what could have been ...

Bullock & McConaughey
Main Screen
(Click to Enlarge)
Bullock & McConaughey
Launch Screen
(Click to Enlarge)
Download Sandra Bullock & Matthew McConaughey Skin for Evolution X
ZIP format, 98.4k

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