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06/17/2003 Entry: "Traveling in NY"

Jen and Caolan are both at work bringing home the bacon (or preparing to bring it home) and I am here in their luxurious Brooklyn apartment, surfing the web and drinking soda. I decided last night that I wasn't just going to kick around Brooklyn all day. No, sir! I decided that I was going to go straight into Manhattan first thing this morning and take the city by storm!

So I left the house at the crack of 11:00 and made my way to the subway. After about 30 minutes on the subway I realized why everyone else had books, magazines and/or headphones. It is because the subway is really, really boring if you are by yourself. This was a problem I planned to remedy as soon as I arrived in midtown Manhattan by purchasing a wonderful magazine about video games.

On East 57th street I found the most wonderful little store called CompUSA. Inside I found a huge selection of computers and computer peripherals at wonderfully low prices! I purchased the latest issue of PC Gamer magazine and a Twix.

I decided on my walk back to the subway that I could easily navigate through Manhattan without my eyes. Here's how: On every single intersection of city streets there is at least one person on a cell phone giving a detailed description of their exact location and which direction they are traveling. For example: "I'm on the corner of 48th Street and 6th Avenue right now. I'm on 6th, approaching 7th."

It would be so simple. All I would have to do is close my eyes and listen. I could easily determine the directions people were traveling and I'd have constant updates as to my whereabouts. I estimate having sight would only increase the ease of navigation by a measly 10%.

Traveling in New York using only my ears would still be about 700% easier than finding my way through Boston having full use of all of my senses, a complete set of street maps and a someone in the car that has lived there for 20+ years.

Replies: 7 People Love Me!

I see that you are making productive use of your time in New York by doing unique, New York only activities like reading PC gamer. Hurrah!

You're right about the people on cell phones thing, though. Frequently, I am one of them. I live to serve.

Posted by Jen at work @ 06/17/2003 03:27 PM EST

I have been doing other useful things as well. I'm not as one dimensional as I seem.

Posted by Chefelf @ 06/17/2003 04:17 PM EST

Hey, by any chance did you find that phone number for me? Not a big deal if you didn't, I can look for it when I get home. I was just wondering ...

Posted by Jen @ 06/17/2003 04:21 PM EST


Posted by Chefelf @ 06/17/2003 05:54 PM EST

Did the subways smell like urine?

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