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[Previous entry: "Easy Mac"] [Main Index] [Next entry: "My Street"] 05/28/2003 Entry: "Useless Wish List" It's too cold to go for a bike ride and I have precious little work to do at the moment. When you have no money and nothing to do you spend a lot of time sitting around and thinking about all the things you would buy if you had money. This is a painful pastime but one that I participate in nonetheless. Here are the top things that I would really like to purchase some day:
It's a screwball list but I can't help but desire all of those things. A new Xbox is crucial to my development as a serious loser. The Xbox that I use on a daily basis belongs to my roommate and cannot be modded the way I would like. When I get my own I will install a new hard drive and operating system to use the computer for some serious gaming and multimedia. It occurred to me that this would cost considerably less than getting a new computer. Everything I want in life is totally unnecessary. Do I need a second Xbox? Do I need a Mortar and Pestle? Couldn't I get by with my first Xbox and the age old method of cutting herbs? Of course I could. But then I would live in a world without dreams. Who wants that?
Replies: 30 People Love Me!
I hear ya. I haven't got my first paycheck yet but I have all kinds of plans for what I will buy when I have money. To whit: Unfortunately, what I will actually do with the money is more like:
-Pay back mom for work clothes All of this stupid end-of-school shit is expensive!! Posted by Laura @ 05/28/2003 07:13 PM EST You should just drop out. Think of the savings!! Posted by Chefelf @ 05/28/2003 07:28 PM EST The best part would be that I couldn't go to college if I didn't graduate. No college = no tuition!!! Posted by Laura @ 05/28/2003 07:30 PM EST The savings just keep on adding up. I think you should consider it. Posted by Chefelf @ 05/28/2003 08:02 PM EST Hi, I wandered onto your site by odd happenstance. I have a website and a blog that I write my own ramblings and I call it Gullible's travels. I just set up the site last month and ran a Google Search on Gullible and found, um, it is late, but if I remember right, your brother's site or part of it. Anyhow, I kept clicking and reading and found myself here. :-) Nice artwork on the sites I wandered through. My brother owns a comic book shop which I frequent (I am an odd ball for a Baptist Pastor having a pony tale and I have played DandD and various other games since the late 70's) so I have seen a lot of art work. Reading your easy mac inspired me to write you a note. I keep a hot pot (approx $13 at Target) at home and one at the office and the one I use boils water faster than a microwave. I know this is almost real cooking but I like to toss a couple boneless, skinless (I'm lazy and buy them that way) pieces of chicken in and boil off the fat (well, boil it for 5-10 minutes and pour off the fat) then I toss in a 2-3 chicken bullion cubes and maybe some mini carrots (again no prep, just buy a bag and toss some in) and other veggies if I am feeling ambitious and then I let it cook for a bit. It is pretty much no muss and it makes a decent and somewhat healthy soup. You could also toss in some noodles or split peas, lentils, etc if you are feeling overly ambitious. When I was in college I used to have a mini-wok (I had a Korean room-mate... He had a great cookbook... 101 ways to Wok your dog ;-) and I would toss some ground beef in it and brown it then toss in some broken up Ramen noodles and water and cook up a beef ramen soup (or, if I left it too long, a ramen caserole. ;-) Anyhow, just passing through so if you respond to my comment you might want to email me the URL so when I wake up tomorrow I will have a vague recollection of writing this. ;-) Anyhoo, it is getting late (ok, it is late for an old timer like me ;-) and I have to hit the sack. Take care and God bless! Pastor John Posted by Pastor John @ 05/29/2003 01:51 AM EST Hi again, I looked at my comment and didn't see my name or site even though I think (hey its late and I don't claim any Papal infallibility ;-) that I did put it in the fields. Anyhoo, I am pastor_john@theophile.info and my site is www.theophile.info Take care and God bless! PJ Posted by Pastor John @ 05/29/2003 01:55 AM EST Thanks for writing, Pastor John. Your site is pretty slick. It turns out there are a lot of things called "Gullible's Travels" out there. I guess I was as clever a 15 year old as I would have liked to think. ;-) Posted by Chefelf @ 05/29/2003 09:20 AM EST Thanks for the compliments Chefelf! I'm using PHP Nuke which makes things a lot easier (usually... I did have to do some code crawling to fix a couple things that were buggy) so I don't have to be a total geek (I'm just a geek wannabe ;-) to run the site. I just set it up in the past couple months so I am hoping it will improve. :-) :-) I hope my recipes didn't disgust you too much. :-) Yes, I was surprised that I wasn't the only clever one to have come up with the title Gullible's Travels. As for clever I would say you and your siblings all have a certain amount of cleverness about you. I don't know who does all the artwork for the various sites that you folks have woven but it is very creative. After I posted my comments last night I stuck around and read one of the online comics, the Valentine's one. Not quite O Henry but it did surprise me at the end when the girl commented she was quite flattered by his being a secret admirer but did he forget she was gay? That kinda hit me outta left field. I hope it is warm enough for you to go for a bike ride today. That does sound tempting as I think about it (I keep a bike here at my office) but it looks rather bleak out here. Anyhoo, take care and God's best to you and your's! PJ Posted by Pastor John (PJ if you prefer ;-) @ 05/29/2003 09:54 AM EST I like the dreamlist -- but two flat screen monitors? Is one a spare so you don't have to run to the store in case of monitor failure? Laura -- Nate has the Mil Millington book. Take his, put more money in your college account. Posted by Jen @ 05/29/2003 10:10 AM EST Jen, I have a DUAL monitor setup! C'mon! Laura does all the good artwork. Paul does the slightly worse artowrk. I do the much worse artwork. Today is a beautiful day for a bike ride but I'm having trouble getting psyched since I've been forced to stay inside for the past week and a half because of rain. I guess we'll see. Posted by Chefelf @ 05/29/2003 10:39 AM EST Take advantage of the weather while you can, after all, sunny days seem few and far far between. And it's supposed to rain all weekend so no biking then, either. Just be sure to nap this afternoon so you are wide awake for your hot date at the Bonzana bus station tonight. Posted by Jen @ 05/29/2003 10:55 AM EST Damn! How did you find out about that? Posted by Chefelf @ 05/29/2003 03:17 PM EST I have my ways. Posted by Jen @ 05/29/2003 04:08 PM EST LOL... I hope the bike ride and the hot date went well. Good luck on getting the monitors. It is good to know who does the good art work on your sites. Only trouble is I can't draw a straight line and am no art critic so I probably couldn't tell which was which. :-) Have a great night all! another guillible one traveling through... Posted by PJ @ 05/29/2003 11:48 PM EST You and your family have a lot of stuff on your site. I just read a couple more items and thought I would report back an FYI. Secreto De Amor is Spanish for Secret of Love. I have never seen the show as I don't watch a lot of TV (I am getting ready to head home for the midnight showing of Dharma and Greg before I hit the sack) and (horror of horrors!) I don't have cable to watch the Spanish networks. I am, however, more or less fluent in Spanish and even took my lit requirements in Spanish in college so I have studied Spanish Poetry. They have a distinnctly Spanish (of Spain) type of poetry called Los Romances which doesn't necessitate it being romantic if I remember right. One of my favorite Spanish Poets (from Spain) was Federico Garcia Lorca who also wrote a play or two such as "Bodas De Sangre" which was later made into a movie which is probably available at your local vid store in the artsy section under the title, "Blood Weddings." (Spaniards love their blood and gore along with their romance... If you can toss a bloody death with someone being evicerated by a bull in with made passionate love gone bad you have a classic in Spain. ;-) My favorite Mexican poet was a fellow named Miguel de Guevara who wrote "A Cristo Crucificado" which is translated as "To Christ the Crucified." Have you or your sibs (sorry, social work slang, short for siblings...) written any poetry? Anyhoo, I gotta hit it... take care and God bless! Pastor John Posted by PJ @ 05/30/2003 12:10 AM EST Pastor John, have you ever been mistaken for Prester John? He's the mythical potentate I most admire, except Lord British. If you are the real Prester John, can I have riches? Posted by Paul @ 05/30/2003 04:17 PM EST Alas you have seen through centuries of deception sir Paul. I am indeed Prester John and was once a king over kings and had wealth beyond your imagination. Over the centuries I squandered away my riches on wine, women and websites... No more am I the once great potentate but the mighty has fallen and I now wander the lonely streets of Michigan in search of noble young lords such as yourself to send against my enemies and reclaim the Asian realms into my fealty. So ya wanna go conquer India for me or what??? LOL... I saw from the Admin menu on my site that there had been a referrer from this site so I had to come back here and read your post. I then got lost in the many twists on the LandE site, finding myself (yup, I'd swear that was me I saw sitting there... If ya got a mirror on you I will ID me for me... Oh wait, I have a mirror here... [gazing intently in the mirror] Yup, that's me! I would recognize me anywhere!) reading your dad's article on the Mona Lisa being over rated. Personally the Mona Lisa is a good chuckle for me. My preferred theory on the old gal is that she was actually Leonardo himself in drag. :-) I like the thought that the expression on the Mona Lisa's face is due to Leonardo smirking in the mirror as he thought about pulling the wool over the eyes of the fancy pants art critics of his day. :-) If you don't mind it would be cool if you would take a look at my site and let me know if you have any suggestions. I like the flash stuff you do but don't have the foggiest idea of how to do it myself. Take care and God bless! PJ Posted by Pastor John @ 05/31/2003 01:34 AM EST Flash is kinda tricky. The best thing to do would be to get Flash and use the built in tutorial. That's how I learned but I have since forgotten how to use it so I would have to take that tutorial again. Your site looks a lot better than mine so I can't imagine any criticism I have being worth anything. Posted by Chefelf @ 06/01/2003 11:02 AM EST LOL... Thanks for the compliment. I am using PHP Nuke so it is a bit of a cheater. I use HTML within the PHP Nuke but the PHP Nuke has it's own preset formats and if you "join" the site you can change it according to your own preferences. I actually had it set up quite a bit differently a couple weeks back but one of my my host's many servers went down. Can you guess which one? They had a back up of my Data base so much of it was restored after they restored the PHP Nuke and my data base but I had to reload the pics, etc and I had made some changes in the actual PHP Nuke that were lost. I have made a few new changes but went a bit backwards after the loss. At this point in my life I have no intention to learn flash. Not because I think it is beyond me technically, but because I can't draw worth shooting. Now balloon animals are another story... :-) By the way Chefelf, you already commented on my site and if you do think up any good thoughts I would appreciate them, but as I look, it was Paul who I responded to so I think I was actually asking him for his advice. :-) Heck, looks like everybody in your family is gifted in one way or another so anybody in your family that has input, critiques of my site are very much welcome. :-) Oh, of course your Dad too. I enjoyed what I read of his and I respect his thoughts. I am curious what he thinks of my favorite artist, Salvador Dali (I have been to the Dali Museum in Fl a few times. :-) Anyhoo, take care and God bless! PJ Posted by Pastor John @ 06/01/2003 07:19 PM EST Hey Nate, have you seen or heard from my sister lately? The family is wondering if she ran off to china or somewhere. Posted by Lauren @ 06/03/2003 09:18 AM EST My family wins the "most passive agressive award" for posting on this website to see where I am rather than calling my phone. After all, it's preferable to gnaw one's own arm off that call someone. Posted by Jen @ 06/03/2003 09:57 AM EST
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