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12/05/2002 Archived Entry: "TGIF!"

I made a Christmas List and it is here.

On another note: I'm sure this has totally been mentioned by a million Dave Barryesque / Christ Livingston types but I feel that it needs to be mentioned again. I don't actually so much recall reading anything like this but it just seems like something that people would write about. And those people would probably be a lot funnier and more insightful than me.

What I would like to say is that nothing in an office ever gets done! This is new to me because I have worked in production based work my entire life. Now I am working in a place where you have to be there from 9-5 (or 8-4 as the case may be) regardless of what there is to do. There is work to do, but no one really sweats it.

Here are how the days usually work out:

Nothing gets done because "it's Monday". People are "recovering" from the weekend and just walking around being tired all day.
Things approach normality if that can even be defined. People still do nothing but they have woken up enough to look busy.
The bulk of the work is accomplished on Wednesday. People spend the first three hours of the day getting the work done. After lunch they begin gearing up for the weekend.
All of Thursday is spent gearing up for the weekend. There is minimal participation in anything work related.
Does it even need to be said? Friday is just a time to screw around and BS with the co-workers. You can't start any big projects because it's Friday. You can't start any small projects because it's Friday. You spend the entire day just getting ready to leave for the weekend.

I can't wait until tomorrow. TGIF!

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