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10/21/2002 Archived Entry: "The Glass House"

Jacques's play, The Glass House, was the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. I couldn't even fathom what the play would be like before hand; afterwards I was surprised that I couldn't have guessed it would be the most Jacques thing possible. Jacques's brother did an amazing job (as the Jacques' type character in the play) as did the rest of the cast.

Only Jacques could write a play like this. It was hysterical! I couldn't stop laughing during the entire play. My only regret is that Jacques doesn't have the backing of a movie company so that he could makes films and get more people to watch his stuff.

I had a good time in New York this weekend and didn't even get sick once! Things are looking up! Now my girlfriend may be able to be convinced that I'm not allergic to her. Got in very late last night so it may be time for a little nap after work.

Work? Oh yeah... gotta go!

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