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09/25/2002 Archived Entry: "Get to "Work" and Clean the Soap"

Today was one of those boring work days. It's so annoying that in the office environment you just have to sit around doing nothing until your shift is up. I don't mind working. If there is work to do I will work and work and work until there's not work left. But if there's nothing to do I get bored after a half an hour.

I kept asking everyone I saw if there was something I should be doing. Everyone just laughed and said, "Yeah right!" So finally I was given the job of cleaning things that weren't dirty. That's an extra added kick in the crotch because you know for a fact that your time and energy is being completely wasted.

We have casual Fridays at the office. One thing that I'll never understand about casual Fridays is that if it is okay to dress down on Fridays then why do we have to go through the trouble of wearing buttoned shirts and ties the other four days of the week? I don't mind wearing a tie and all but I think the whole casual Friday thing is bogus. It should be either all casual or all dressed up. None of this in between bullshit.

Boy, this blog keeps getting less and less funny. I apologize but if you want FUNNY things about someone's daily office adventures then read! I can only come up with "humor" one day a week. This is just for me to boringly journal my life and lose what little fan base I have.

Warning: This website--like every other website on the internet--has been known to contain gross exaggerations and fabrications. Consider yourself warned.

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